About Yellow & Wool

YELLOW - history has established it somewhere well-definite, and some specialized studies are elaborating the subject.

The meanings of the Yellow color
Yellow is the warmest, most expansive and perhaps the most animated color. Yellow is intense, ample and dazzling as a stream of molten metal, is difficult to be extinguished, it always flows. Yellow represents the Sun's rays crossing the celestial azure with the divine power of the other world.

Yellow shines with optimism, happiness and gives an interior lighting. Shades of golden yellow transmit the promise of a future filled with achievements. Yellow stands out among the other colors and inspire positive and creative thinking.

Yellow is the color of the movement, of spirituality. It tones the body, the spirit, it stimulates intellectual function and concentration. It express a strong, extroverted personality, which manifest good mood and open mind.

Yellow represents intelligence, talent, wealth, success, progress, glory.
Who wears this color is comfortable with himself.

Yellow is a male color, a color of light and life without aiming for darknes. This thing has been well observed by Kandinsky, "Yellow has such aspirations towards light, that there cannot be a yellow very dark. Therefore, we can say that between white and yellow is a profound physical affinity."

Yellow is the symbol of youth and divine immortality. The golden light becomes sometimes a two-way communication path, a means between humans and God.

Being divine in essence, the golden-yellow has become on earth an attribute of power for princes, kings and emperors, an attribute that shows the divine origin of their power.

Yellow is the color of eternity, just as gold is the metal of immortality. Both are underlying the christian ritual.

This color of ripe ear also announce the color of the autumn, when the land remain bare, losing its cloak of green. Then, yellow means old age, near death. In this manner, at the limit, the yellow becomes a substitute for black.

When the sacred bonds of marriage break, yellow is associated with adultery, as if breaking, because of Lucifer, the holy bonds of divine love.

The effects of the Yellow color 

In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to purify the body.

The Yellow color stimulates the central nervous system, it increases digestive capacity, it improves tonus making us feel in shape. The most important action is that it improves digestion.

It also stimulates the lymphatic system, ensuring its optimum functioning.

The Yellow color gives self-control by increasing the self-command and amplifying the state of mental lucidity. At mental level it helps acquire a profound knowledge, making it possible to achieve a state of wisdom.

Physiological effects of yellow color: stimulates the optic nerve, helps the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The psychological effects of color Yellow: warmth, intimacy elevated, sublime satisfaction, admiration, refreshing, warm color, dynamics, being the color most dishes, stimulates sight, psihonevrozelor painkiller, feeling closeness in space, stimulates and maintains alertness, increases ability to focus and mobilize attention, predispose to communicability, gives a deep fulfillment state of mind, helping the power of storage.

Yellow is a benefic color and if combined with pure white it obtain pale yellow. It is also the color of jealousy. We know that this color stimulates and maintains alertness, enhances the mobilization and concentration, predisposes to communicability, gives a feeling of warmth and intimacy. Yellow is the color feature of an active guy, expansive, investigative and with a high level of aspiration.

Yellow helps increase the ability to make decisions based on information received from outside, helps calming the nervous system, eliminating fears, mental confusion sensation, brings that feeling you can face any new situations and heals any tendency toward perfectionism.

'Yellow ones' are usually educated and have well developed creative spirit. They are methodical and can be excellent leaders. They know very well how to hold their emotions and therefore often they appear impassive. If you have problems with articulations, yellow is your solution. Incentive effects of yellow light may be beneficial in arthritis or rheumatism. Yellow must be worn close to the skin, for the effect to be maximal. Yellow induce inspiration and optimism and is ideal for children's bedrooms or a study room. Yellow foods such as peppers, mangoes, grapefruits, lemons and pineapples are excellent for detoxifying.  

Therapeutic indications of yellow color:
- Liver disease,
- Gallbladder disease,
- Bloating, flatulence,
- Cellulite
- Colitis,
- Constipation,
- Diabetes,
- Dyspepsia,
- Eczema and skin conditions
- Edema (swelling under the skin)
- Nervous exhaustion,
- Hemorrhoids
- Indigestion,
- Leprosy,
- Migraine,
- Paraplegia (paralysis of the lower limbs)
- Stomach disorders.


WOOL - information proving the value, usefulness and benefits of this wonderful mioritic gift. 

Wool treatment (heating and treats)

When summer turns us its back, we strongly start looking for heat recovery methods and comfort. To dress with a warm sweater and our woolen blanket. By the way, not in vain wool draws us. Her hairs have a positive energy and helps us stay healthy.

Since ancient times, different people were treated with wool, which is a remedy analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. Therapeutic qualities were discovered by Nordic nations healers, who reached to excellent results in curing several diseases with natural wool. Russian Tsar Peter I, after a night of libation (party) asked for sour borsch, felt and wool socks. And well made. It is scientifically proven that who wears wool socks, knitted by his grandmother, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

In the nineteenth century, German teacher G. Iegher recommended his patients for body sanitation to wear linen, woolen clothes, bedding and to use various items such as wallet, handkerchief, umbrella made of wool. The professor pointed out that the biggest effect is the unpainted wool. Contemporary research confirmed that any disease is causing changes in the electrical potential of the body. No pharmaceutical preparation is able to adjust it immediately. And the wool, especially unpainted, which was not subjected to chemical processing solutions, has a beneficial energy, retains all the properties and one of the important biological and therapeutic - lanolin. Between the bulky yarn there have not found microbes or viruses. In contrast, high precision sensitive devices found in wool yarn composition gold particles. Yet their function remains a mystery reminiscent of Greek mythology.

The thicker the fabric or the knitting wool is, the more its energy action is. Therefore for the sick, old or stale household objects are beneficial wool or fur. Camel hair blanket, pillow sheep wool, woolen carpets spread out - are prerequisites for good health. Woolen clothes are especially beneficial for those with kidney and liver disease. Wool yarn structure resembles that of human hair, so nice touch our body and we make you feel comfortable when we wear woolen clothes, especially knitted with love. Even knitting wool is a well known treatment for women affected by stress and depression. Popular "acupuncture" wool , down and skins are used in popular therapies for thousands of years, because accumulates and maintains the air, absorb moisture, have qualities of thermoregulation. Other important qualities are the resistance to dirt (sometimes it repels dust) the fact that acts as ecological filters, it does not electrify and reduces electrostatic voltage. Latest findings show that our wool protects us from electromagnetic radiation of computers and appliances. Moreover, it was proved that we can achieve similar results to those of reflexology and acupuncture that are in vogue. Why does the pain goes? Scientists explain its ability to treat pain because wool has five important skills: massage effect. Wool fibers are touching the skin and acts as a micro massage. Due to this fact, blood microcirculation increases. Chemical impact. Wool has a special feature - lanolin, which is part of anti-allergic drugs, anti-inflammatory remedies that help treat injuries and fractures. The largest amount of lanolin is found in sheep's wool. Exactly because of that, the wool fibers act on receptors in the skin and increase recovery processes, reducing the sensation of pain. Electrostatic field. When you wear clothes of wool fibers rub them together to form an electrostatic field that acts favorably on man having a curative effect. Warming effect. Wool has a complicated structure: porous cells with a large number of air pockets. This gives it thermal insulation capabilities, making it soft and easy. Heating not only improves blood microcirculation at capillary level, but acts favorably on internal organs, has beneficial effects against many diseases. Removing moisture. Wool absorbs more than 30% of moisture, while cotton only 8% and synthetics -0%. Moisture evaporates easily, while the fleece remains dry.

Grandmother's quilt, soft and fluffy. In some countries it is customary wise to sleep young children or the sick on a sheepskin. What is the explanation? Wool forms an air cushion that protects the skin from sweating but also from skin dehydration.

Once, Romanians had wool blankets, throws and even bedding. Then they were replaced with synthetic things and now we are starting to remember what is most useful for health. Today more and more people are choosing bedding wool to treat various diseases, improving the body's vital tone, resistance to harmful factors in the environment. Litter must breathe, must be insulated, allowing skin to get rich with oxygen and to eliminate carbon dioxide. Namely, wool meets these requirements. This kind of wool bedding is recommended for people suffering from vasoneurosis (vegetative dystonia). It is recommended to use things made from wool: blanket of camel's hair, sheep wool cushion, walk barefoot on a wool carpet .

Scarf against migraine, gloves for arthritis.

SHEEP WOOL. Contains lanolin, a fatty substance that is obtained by washing freshly clipped wires and is used in industry, in medicine and in cosmetics as an important part of creams and ointments. Lanolin nourishes and rejuvenates skin, has many therapeutic qualities ie: antiinflammatory, antiedemic, antiallergenic, promotes faster healing of wounds and fractures and skin absorption of drugs. The best effect it has raw wool, unpainted and natural thread. The thicker the thread is, the more energy therapy it has. Wool is used for simple compress or soaked in solutions prepared from a mixture of herbs and salt in the following cases: back pain, colds, otitis, sinusitis, lymphadenitis, headaches, migraines, kidney and liver diseases (preferable lamb's wool). In previous centuries, people from country side were treating tuberculosis by consuming the water that remained after washing the wool sheared. Arthritis, myositis, rheumatic pains, colds. A Russian method, well known in Ukraine also, is to apply compresses soaked in therapeutic solutions. Here is a recipe used most often. Put in a thermos of 1-1.5 liters 2 tablespoons of wild rose fruits, birch leaves and knotweed grass. The mixing is scald with a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. If you have no thermos, hold the infusion for 20 min on a steam bath. After cooling, strain the liquid, drink 500 ml during the day, instead of water or tea. In the remaining infusion add a tablespoon of coarse salt and lemon juice squeezed from a medium lemon. A piece of natural wool or a handful of raw wool is immersed in the liquid for 30 min., then squeeze it well. Apply on the affected zone a folded gauze, soaked with your own urine or infusion, topped it with wrung wool, cellophane and a terry towel and bandaged well. Keep it overnight In the morning, rinse the wool  with warm water and then dry it. Usually, the wet wool is applied on the belly and on the back and on forehead and joints - dry, after being soaked well in the herbal tea.

Pain in toes and soles. From unpainted wool it blends or sweater a bracelet, it soaks in the solution described in the previous recipe, it dries and it wears all day. In the worst case wrap your wrist 3-5 times with a wool thread twisted in 2-3 threads. Also successfully, are used gloves, or socks, soaked in tea prepared from various combinations of plants, chosen after being diagnosed by the doctor. It wears wet or dry, depending on the patient preferences and living conditions.

Headache, back pain, sprains. Bind the head, the sprained leg or the back with a scarf or with a ribbon wool  woven, especially unpainted. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of coarse salt in a liter of water, and soak the wool before use in wet or dry. Osteoarthritis, low back pain. It rubs the painful place with soak dof ead bees or ficus leaves, or liliac flower. It ties on the top with a scarf woven from sheep's wool unpainted and leave at least 2 hours, but it can be also left all night. For knee or elbow are intertwined tubes made of sheep wool and dog hair or camel. It takes 5-6 procedures. Sometimes, on the place of the sick person it applies a piece of sheepskin, cut out from a old sheepskin coat. Thyroid gland disease. A bundle of wool is passed through iodized salt, wrap it in gauze and apply on the neck before bedtime. Compresses changed every night, for a week, and after a break of 5 days, is repeated. Chronic fatigue, exhaustion. It is recommended sleeping on a pillow stuffed with wool. And in the evening, before bedtime, to walk one - two hour with bare feet on a wool carpet. Fatigue gradually disappear.

Camel hair is 2 times lighter than the sheep wool and more resistant.

Its tubular structure (hollow on the inside) provides additional insulating qualities. Oriental peoples know best that camel hair not only saves us from getting cold, but also from overheating. From its yarn are manufactured clothes for astronauts and sailors in Russia, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Folk medicine recommended it to us as a remedy for prophylaxis and treatment of various diseases, especially in diseases of the nervous system and urogenital system (nephritis, kidney stones, prostatitis, gynecological diseases).

Diseases of joints with limitation of motion is treated with hot wool. A camel coat coarse (eg. Russian military Mantle) soaked in warm water with salt, wrap the patient for 20 minutes, then it is being done a massage with antiinflammatory remedies. As in previous cases, wear gloves and socks soaked in herbal teas with salt.

Goat wool. Its structure is more severe and therefore most often is used the soft fluff, resistant tear. Given the structure of 20 amino acids, proved to be a good remedy treatments for varicose and tonsillitis. Particular about clothes woven from wool prickly goat, old people said: "The harsher the sweater is, the more stronger are the nerves". Indeed, acting on skin, it produces a reflexology effect, especially to the nervous system, especially for those who suffer from autonomic dystonia. Cushions stuffed with goat's hair is applied on diseased liver or kidneys.

FUR and little skins. Little skin of rabbit. Wildlife furs defended hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors from cold. The analysis of skeletons found by archeologists showes that musculoskeletal diseases were well known by our ancestors. Probably, then people noticed that the pain decreases when the sick place is comforted by the warm fuzz. So, this way it has developed a popular line therapy which is not based on plants. Wild rabbits, then the house rabbits has helped millions of people to escape the pain, especially in the acute phase, it is true, with the cost of their lives.

Back pain. Rabbit skins must be tied up with the outside of the skin in the painful area (at the waist or along the spine) and hold for 4-5 hours before bedtime. A treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. Insomnia. For a good sleep elders used to put in the pillow a few tails of rabbit.

Mastitis. Spread with cream the  interior part of the rabbit leather and apply on the diseased breast, wrap on top with a woolen scarf, change daily until the problem is resolved.

Gout. Our ancestors discovered that sleeping on a bear fur or sheepskin or, at least, 3 hours spent without clothes on it helps to reduce pain caused by gout. Who should beware of wool? Primarily those suffering from asthma, as fur or dander can cause an attack of suffocation. People with allergies should refrain from wearing clothing (especially fur) and using objects made from raw wool.

The advantages of wool carpets

Wool carpets have a significant history and are very useful. Almost 8000 years ago, people learned the art of processing sheep and goat wool. Wool carpets are best used to keep heat in the house. Although these rugs made from 100% natural wool are expensive, people prefer to use these rugs for different reasons.

Wool carpets are biodegradable and are made from renewable resources. Buying a wool carpet speeds up wool production and this is the benefit of local farmers.

Wool carpets retain their appearance for a long time, compared to other synthetic carpets. Also have natural properties to resist the stains, because the wires are covered with a thin membrane which helps prevent water penetration in the wool yarns. This also helps to preserve its appearance. Wool carpets are fire-resistant and this is one of the natural properties of wool. Because wool contains moisture and proteins in abundance can act as a product that turns itself off.

Besides these advantages, wool carpets have other benefits for our health:

- Wool carpets are not toxic. Not cause allergies, but if some people are allergic to wool, they can buy it.

- Wool does not favor bacterial growth.

- Because wool contains plenty of water, it minimizes static electricity and reduce the risk of shocks.

- Wool carpets can prevent bacterial contamination due to nitrogen and sulfur oxide that it contains.

- Wool carpets have many air holes and that due to their shape. This allows a good ventilation of the room and also it regulates the temperature in the room.

All these factors shows that these rugs are the best and will always be. There are biodegradable and can be used in any room and can be cleaned easily even at home.


 Wool is the soft hair which came from fur of animals, especially from sheep. Has the ability to heat and keep warm, it does not crumple, is elastic, does not burn and does not take smells. There are several types of wool: merino, obtained from Merino sheep, Crossbred, from Crossbred sheep, Cashmere, from mountain goats, Angora, from  Angora rabbit and Alpaka from from Llama. 

The history of cashmere sweater 

Kashmir is one of the most hunted materials from which are made clothing that are occurring in wardrobe worldwide.

Kashmir, a material that you cannot not fall in love!

Cashmere is a luxury wool, after which many fashion designers are crazy. Cashmere wool texture is very fine and is at the same time, strong, light and soft. Cashmere sweaters are much warmer than regular sweaters, made of sheep wool.

Despite the luxury associated with type of wool, cashmere has humble origins: is the product of Kashmir goat wool  that grows in Mongolia, but also in Iran, Tibet, India and China. The finest cashmere comes from the fur from the neck and belly of the goat, but for the same purpose is used also the wool from the back or from the legs and cashmere thus obtained is cheaper.

It is a symbol of refinement even since the time of Caesar and fashion that never goes out of style. Passion for this smooth wool, luxurious and very fine unites very different artistic personalities, but also people with an aesthetic sense according to their wealth.

Kashmir has made its entry into the European cloakrooms through UK, with pashmina, a fabric imported by India Company, so soft and thin that it could be passed even through the narrowest engagement ring. In France, the passion for cashmere is triggered when, returning from the campaign in Egypt, Napoleon's soldiers brought to their wives, as gifts, these oriental stoles, which matched with neoclassical dresses, so in vogue at that time. The demand has exceeds the supply, such as textile producers from Scotland, soon were obligated to release on the market elegant imitation. Kashmir, this fashion fad, it's so expensive, that a rich Englishwoman - as Balzac narrates in a story - hesitate between buying a shawl or a carriage. Jewelry, lace and cashmere shawl were traditionally wedding gifts made by fiance to his beloved wife.

Kashmir, from a technical standpoint, comes from the layer which grows under the first layer of the hair surface of Hyrcus mountain goat. This hair, with a length between two and six inches, has great ability to insulate both cold and hot. Raised in small flocks in the region Kashmir, from India, Hyrcus goats are taken then in China (which has 60% of global production of cashmere, equal to about 10,000 tons per year) and, particularly, in Mongolia, but also Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and, for several years, Australia and New Zealand. Of course, these goats adapt to other altitudes, such as those from UK and Italy. But here, does not develop this type of hair, six times thinner than human hair, a shield against the extreme cold of the inaccessible highlands of steppe and rough desert regions, areas that goats prefer, but where man never would set foot, if only there were strong economic reasons to induce him to do so.

To justify the elitism of this raw material, it must be said that the best quality is obtained only in the fourth and the sixth year of life of the animal. Hair harvesting begins in May, at moulting time, and ends in early summer. The layer from below is separated from the root with a special kind of iron comb with a hook, the process may be applied only twice, about a month away. From combing are obtained from two to five hundred grams of material, and after spinning is reduced by half. Further, the material is divided into colors - white, gray or brown / black - and skill. Follow washing to remove impurities and outer fibers, drying and eventual painting. If, as we have seen, each goat produces two hundred grams of wool per year, for a sweater, must to be "clipped" four goats and for a jacket  about 20.

If the thread comes, normally from the most inaccessible areas of China, the optimum processing is done in Europe, which has a more advanced technology. Certainly, cheaper Asian labor makes the sweater made in China much cheaper than Italian, for example, but it's like choosing between a Ferrari and a car van. Both take you to the destination, but in a very different in style.

Kashmir popularity is fairly recent. Until the 20s of the last century, was considered suitable only for informal occasions or sports. They say that the etymological origins of the word "sweater" are not very noble. Born at the end of the nineteenth century, first is worn only by athletes, because it says that wool helps them to sweat the most, which, then, was considered as very healthy.

It was so, at least until the rehabilitation of cashmere, due to French stylists. Jean Patou is one of those stylists, he invented the concept of stylish sportswear, but also the mark, in a meaning that he was the first who sewn his initials  on products, highlighting their membership. The second famous stylist is Coco Chanel, who is credited with having brought the knits, made first by hand and then industrial, in world-class fashion.

In 1933, Otto Weisz introduce cashmere in knitwear, intended to be a symbol of the 50s. Then, the special effects explode like fireworks, namely decorations in pearls, sequins, rhinestones, small buckles and laces. At the most luxurious versions, sweaters are lined with silk and has a detachable collar of fur. Then, quickly it reaches at a new form of stylish clothing: one for any occasion, yes, but refined, not conspicuous and which assures to the one who wearrs it, the full pleasure of the senses. So, here it is, the sweater is transformed into a quality jacket with hood and pockets, pants are like those of tracksuit (only with a different price tag), with a lace at the waist. But the changes will not stop here ...

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